Recently, I awoke suddenly at 3am with a phrase replaying over and over in my head. And although I didn’t have the presence of mind to write it down in my drowsy, half-asleep non-functioning state, it thankfully popped back into my head a couple of days later, along with a very interesting and powerful image**.
When I was a child, we would play a variety of games at recess and the one I hated the most was ‘Red Rover’. In case you didn’t play this game or don’t remember, let me outline the basics. Two self-appointed leaders would choose kids to be on their team. Each team would link arms together and face each other about 10 feet apart. Then one team would begin by calling one person of the opposing team over (e.g., “red rover, red rover, we call Susan over”). The called one, Susan in this case, would run full bore towards the other team and if she broke through the chain, she would take the two people who broke the chain back with her to her team. If, on the other hand, she didn’t break through the chain, then Susan would join the opposing team. Each team would take turns calling and receiving and the winning team was the one that ended up with the most kids.
As I child, I was one of the smallest, weakest and least athletic in my grade, so I dreaded playing Red Rover (a close second being dodge ball). I was always called over because I wasn’t strong enough to break through, so my team would lose a player. Conversely, when someone ran to our side, they almost always ran to my part of the chain for the same reason: I wasn’t strong enough to block the invader. Suffice to say that I was one of the last kids chosen on the team because I had a reputation for being a liability. In hindsight, it’s amazing that I even played at all.
Curious then that Red Rover should enter my consciousness in the middle of the night when I hadn’t thought about it for over 45 years! And it was the accompanying image that gave me the clue as to its importance and relevance to my life, and maybe even for the world. The thought that woke me at 3am was this: ’Red rover, red rover, we call Satan over’. In this context, I don’t literally mean Satan as an entity or being, but rather as a representation of the darkness, the shadow, fear. The phrase came with a powerful and inspiring image: humanity as a line of light workers, holding hands, standing firm opposite the dark shadowy figure.
In sitting with this phrase and image, one level of meaning instantly became clear. I am no longer a weak, small child, but rather a powerful force of light and love, so strong that I am ready to confidently call out ‘Red rover, red rover, I call Satan over’; knowing from the deepest wisdom within that the darkness will not be able to break through my link in the chain. I can now stand, grounded in love, and take my place among the light workers. This inner transformation has been the culmination of decades of spiritual exploration and healing work.
As within, so without. “Red rover, red rover, we call Satan over” is also germane at a societal level and contains wisdom and prophecy for all of humanity. For thousands of years fear, represented by darkness, has ruled over humanity. This has manifested in ‘power over’, hierarchy, separation (from nature, and each other) and living from an unconscious place. Some time in the last century, things began to change; the energy of love, represented by light has been rising within us and thereby in the collective. Some call it the ‘Great Awakening’ and others say that humanity is moving from a 3D reality to a 5D one. Whatever the reason, the consciousness of humanity does seem to be rising; some greater force is calling us forward. We are like the imaginal cells living in the gooey chaos of the cocoon, finding each other, connecting together, standing grounded in love and supporting one another as we transform from the caterpillar to the butterfly.
The virus and ensuing chaos has brought the darkness and fear to our awareness and our predicament into stark reality. As people begin to awaken, the dark forces, with their lies, deceit and trickery, are losing their iron grip on humanity and are desperately doing what they can to get it back. The media have been contributing to the fear mongering by governments around the world and those who tell the truth, raise concerns or offer another perspective are being censored, de-platformed and made to digitally disappear. The result being the shredding of the fabric of society, families being torn apart, and friendships ended.
Here’s what I see. The earth is our playground and we are now in an enormous game of Red Rover. We (humanity) must stand together and face the darkness, individually and collectively. We must have the courage to to let go of fear and live, grounded in love, as the free and sovereign beings we were born to be. This is an invitation to remember that you are made of star dust, that your essence is love and that no matter what happens on the outside, nothing can change these facts.
At an individual level, the dark figure represents our own shadow; those parts of ourselves that we disown and dislike, deep fears, limiting beliefs, and unhealed wounds. I invite you to face whatever darkness is showing up in your life, be it fear, circumstances, events or people. The image invites you to face this darkness head on; to call it over, and when it tries to break through, you will stand in love, summon the courage and strength to heal, release your limiting beliefs about yourself and hold strong and firm to your truth. In doing so, you align yourself within, connect to your inner wisdom and intuition and establish a solid connection to your higher self, your soul. From this place you cannot be deceived and you move from victimhood to sovereignty, the ruler of your own life.
Remember the rules of the Red Rover game: if we call darkness over and it can’t break through, then it must join our ‘team’, which means it must transform and become part of the light. In each moment we either choose love or succumb to fear. This is an inside job that only we can do for ourselves. Together we can build a new world, one based on truth not fear; on freedom, sovereignty, love, connection, compassion, rather than accepting the ‘new normal’ world that is being rolled out for us.
Are you ready to ‘call the darkness’ over, stand firm in love and evolve humanity into our next stage? I am. As the self-appointed leader of the ‘love’ team, I invite you to join us.
Red Rover, Red Rover, We Call Satan Over
**Although I have never thought that I had artistic ability, I have been doodling in the margins and on scraps of paper for years and have recently felt a desire to explore my artistic creativity. I tried a variety of painting classes, but never felt satisfied. Everything changed recently when my kids gave me an apple pencil for Christmas. A whole new form of expression was unleashed and I am having so much fun experimenting and seeing the images in my head appear on my screen. The ‘Red Rover’ image was my first.