Last week I received a message from the Universe and upon contemplation, I realized that it is both personal to me and also for the collective. It began with a series of coincidences over three days. On the first day, I was standing in the bedroom and the chain of my gold bracelet broke and it fell off my wrist. The next day, while standing in the bathroom, the chain on my silver necklace broke and it fell to the floor.
“OK Spirit, you have my attention.”
And if that wasn’t enough, the following day, my ring, which has a ‘spiny’ chain around the centre of it, spontaneously broke.
Three chains, a bracelet, necklace and ring, all break over the course of three days. Jewelry is my thing and I can’t remember a chain breaking like this even once before, unless it got caught or pulled.
As I sat with the possible meaning of this strange coincidence, I felt a wave of peace wash over me as I received a message from my higher self, spirit, the universe, reminding me that I am guided, supported and loved. I have always been, and will always be, (the same goes for you by the way).
I was then guided to look at the first drawing in my sketch book, which I drew in January 2020. At that time I was haunted by an image that I felt increasingly compelled to put on paper. I say ‘compelled’ because I hadn’t drawn, or attempted to draw, since I was 9 years old. I remember enjoying drawing when I was young and then I abruptly stopped, but I don’t know why.
Having never drawn or even tried over the years, my artistic ability was stunted and consisted of stick people and rudimentary palm trees, sunny blue skies with fluffy white clouds and evergreens at the edge of an undefined body of water. Over the last few years, I felt a rising desire to create art and tried water colours and evening art workshops, but the results only made me feel even more disheartened and I recommitted to my decision to NEVER try art again.
So, in January 2020, although I was being nudged by my intuition to capture an image, I resisted. After all, who wants to fail? What I saw in my mind’s eye was so beautiful and poignant and I was afraid that trying to put it on paper would only result in frustration, disappointment, and shame. Better to keep the beautiful image in my mind than to butcher it on a piece of paper, I thought.
As the days passed, the intuitive urge grew stronger until, finally, I could no longer resist and I succumbed to the pressure and grabbed my sketch book from my shelf.
“Ok, fine. I’ll try,” I said to the Universe, “but it’s not going to work. You picked the wrong person to capture this image.”
Truly I expected the drawing to be nothing like the powerful image in my mind. My inner child dug in her heels and crossed her arms, as I grabbed a pencil and eraser. I tentatively began to draw lines on the page, erasing what wasn’t quite right, and what appeared when I was finished, startled me. It was virtually identical to what I had seen in my mind’s eye. And it came with words that, at the time, I didn’t understand, “Time to unhook the chain that is holding me back ….”
The image, combined with the experience of the actual, physical chains on my necklace, bracelet and ring breaking solidified the message from the Universe:
“The chains holding us to our 3D reality have broken and we are now ascending. Those of us on Team Love are holding the line and leading the way. We are being asked to surrender our attachments. We aren’t alone; we are supported, guided and held in love.”
I hope this message brings you peace, comfort and hope. It’s been a wild, wacky year with our ‘normal’ lives turned upside down and inside out. If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and confused, take heart. Mother Earth is ascending to new levels of consciousness and humanity is ascending with her. The chains that were anchoring us to the 3D reality have broken. You, like me, are here by divine appointment to play our parts in the ascension process. Fasten your seatbelt, cause I think it’s going to be a wild ride.
As for my artistic talents, I am delighted to say that I am capturing various images as I am inspired to and thoroughly enjoying my renewed passion for art, now as both a creator and appreciator of art.
As the artist ‘Fia’ beautifully says, “… and I know that I am part of an evolution, a raising of consciousness, and I chose to come down at this time, to shine my beautiful light.”
In this shift of consciousness, divine light is illuminating all of our unhealed wounds and limiting beliefs, both individually and collectively. We are being called to surrender to our higher selves, to trust, and to become the magnificent beings that we truly are.
I invite you to shine your beautiful light! What are you being called to? What are you resisting? I’d love to know. Let’s chat.