My dream: May 10, 2021
“I am walking through a tropical forest, trying to get to the ocean.
I walk along paths through the trees and then come upon an invisible (energy) barrier that stops me from going further, so I backtrack and look for another way, another path.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a ‘demon’ (dark entity) comes racing up to me, super fast, and stops one inch away from my face. It growls and makes a horrible sound and waves its dark arms in front of me.
I don’t flinch. I realize that it can’t touch me, and I think ‘nice try’ and the demon dissolves. I know I am close.”
The wisdom contained in this profound dream was immediately obvious. The demon couldn’t touch me; it could merely get close and wield its only weapon: FEAR. By remaining calm and curious, standing in love and not succumbing to the fear, I disabled the demon’s weapon and it simply dissolved before my eyes.
Upon further reflection, a greater truth was revealed: evil (represented by the demon) can’t actually harm us directly; it can only wield fear to cause us to harm and abandon ourselves. Fear severs access to our own inner wisdom, leaving us vulnerable to the influence of outside voices that are not in our best interest. Fear causes us to lose our compassion and project fear onto others. Fear creates hatred and separation. The bigger, more dangerous virus we’ve been dealing with over the last two years is FEAR.
But here’s the good news: the weapon of fear only works if we let it! Being in the LOVE frequency disarms and dissolves the demons. It neutralizes their only weapon. YOU have the power to choose your state of being in every moment. The battle is within and we have the upper hand and the power to disarm the demons; no fight required. No one can make you feel fear and no one can make you feel safe. You, and only you, can find the love inside and choose to stand in it, even in the face of evil.
This is so interesting!
I was inspired to draw a picture depicting the dream. When I did, something about it just didn’t seem right. but I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong or missing from the drawing.
I put it away, trusting that what was missing would reveal itself at the right time.
That night I had another dream in which I was literally shown what was missing. In the dream, I saw my actual drawing and was shown that behind the demon was a mechanical-looking circle with the letters ‘C E R N’; as if the source from which the demon came was CERN.
If you don’t know, CERN is a research centre and home of the hadron collider. According to the website:
“Physicists and engineers at CERN use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – fundamental particles. Subatomic particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives us clues about how the particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature. We want to advance the boundaries of human knowledge by delving into the smallest building blocks of our universe.”
Interestingly, elsewhere on the website it states:
“The creation of a black hole at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) would confirm theories that our universe is not 4 dimensional (3 space plus 1 time dimensions), but indeed hosts other dimensions. It would be quite a spectacular philosophical outcome! In the same way that the theory of relativity or of quantum mechanics revolutionized our way of thinking, discovering the existence of extra dimensions would be a major new milestone in our understanding of the Universe.”
Curious that CERN would show up in my dream as being connected to the source of the demon. I wondered how literally to take its appearance in my dream and it made me wonder: Have the scientists discovered other dimensions? Did they open a portal to those other dimensions? Did other beings enter our reality through the portal? The additional information from the dream certainly raises more questions than it answers.
It is also possible, and perhaps likely, that CERN in my dream is a metaphor representing the scientific complex that is completely divorced from spiritual understanding. It also represents the rise of hyper-materialism and scientism: the fervent belief in science as God.
This belief holds that humans are merely ‘cogs in the machine’ and that our lives and indeed life itself, is meaningless. Scientism believers are pushing humanity towards transhumanism: the merging of technology and biology. They believe the pinnacle of human evolution is technological rather than spiritual and that achieving the ‘singularity’ will be driven by technology. In this belief system, our subjective experiences cannot be trusted and we must subjugate our own inner knowing to that espoused by the ‘objective expert’.
At best, I believe that Scientism is misguided and at worst it is down right dangerous. Even the CERN website openly states that they don’t know if they will create black holes or access other dimensions. We are playing with fire, a potentially very dangerous fire.
Whether literal or metaphorical, CERN was shown as the source of the evil demon in my dream. For me, evil is anything that goes against ‘life’ and it’s interesting to note that ‘evil’ is ‘live’ spelled backwards.
I pondered further and reflected on the level of fear being projected by governments and media outlets worldwide. It sparked a flood of questions. Is the presence of evil here to help us find our light, to firmly connect and anchor to our hearts and let go of fear? To truly love and trust ourselves in each moment? Are we, as humanity, breaking through the cocoon of darkness into the light? Are we caterpillars currently in the darkness of our cocoon who are ready to evolve into our next form as butterflies? Is this part of the strengthening of our wings so we can break through the cocoon?
Yes, I think so.
And regardless of the precise meaning and purpose of adding ‘CERN’ to my drawing, the important message of the original dream remains:
NOTHING outside of you can harm you.
The Only Weapon of Evil is Fear, Because Fear, If You Allow it, Can Make You Act Against Yourself.
Fear Can Cause You To Lose Your Sovereignty, Your Balance, Your Integrity and Your Self Love.
On The Other Hand, If You Stand In Love, Face The Fear Straight On, It Merely Dissolves Into Nothingness.
Hold Firm Light-Workers
Stand In LOVE
Shine Your LIGHT
For Darkness Can Never Overpower the Light